Friday, March 30, 2012

Red Mage

I highly enjoyed my attempt at double knitting with the pokeball.  So I thought I would give it another go.  I have a few patterns saved for double knitting that will turn out really well.  This time I decided to go with the Red Mage from Final Fantasy.   

It took me a few tries to get the hang of it, but once I did this was a very quick project.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


This past week I've been pretty busy with some of my larger projects.  Because of this my project for the week is a pretty simple one.  I made up a Pokeball hackysack!

I will  admit that it would be much easier to crochet this then knit, but I've yet to properly pick up a crochet needle.  So it took me a few attempts to make a good one.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tenticle Dice Bag!

My roommate came home the other day after going shopping.  We are a rather nerdy house and still love to play board/card games.  Especially Steve Jackson games.  If you have not played any I would much suggest getting a group of friends together and play one.

Our newest addition?  Cthulhu dice!   Cthulhu: Created by author H.P Lovecraft in 1928.  He is a mythical elder god. He strikes madness into anyone who sees him and fair other amount of super nerdy/geeky talk.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Optimistic Mitts

This year I've been back to school.  Yay student life!  This meant that I wasn't able to buy any of my family gifts.  So I did one better.  I hand knit all of my gifts.  :D

(left) baklava, (top) neckwarmer, (bottom) fingerless gloves,  (right) cowl

They were very quick, easy to follow patterns.  My favorite (as always) were the fingerless gloves.  The Optimistic Mitts.  I used the softest green yarn I had and they were so very comfortable.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Rainbow Gloves

One of my goals in knitting is to expand and learn more things to do.  So recently I made my own pattern for some fingerless gloves.  It's pretty simple but was a lot of fun to do.  I actually wrote down the pattern as I was going and made a few edits.

My friend Rainbow Brite wanted to have some fingerless gloves that she could wear around.  So I made these rainbow gloves.