Sunday, February 24, 2013

How to: Hearts

My favourite project is knitting the little hearts.  This week I have decided to provide a step-by-step guide for those of you who want to make them at home.  This is a very basic pattern I would recommend for knitters who are looking for a quick project.  It only requires the basic knit and purl stitches, as well as simple increases and decreases.

Materials needed:

  • Yarn, of any colour or size.  Gauge does not matter for this project.  Remember, a chunkier yarn will equal a larger heart.
  • Two knitting needles.  Again, size does not really matter but I prefer size 5 US (3.75mm)
  • Stuffing.  I used poly-fill, 100% polyester stuffing
  • A tapestry needle for sewing in the loose ends.
  • CO = cast on
  • BO = bind off
  • st = stitch
  • k = knit
  • p = purl
  • kfb = knit into front and back of stitch (to make 2 stitches where there was 1)
  • k2tog = knit 2 stitches together v 
  • p2tog = purl 2 stitches together
  • rep = repeat
Pattern (make two)

CO 2 st

Row 1: kfb, k to last st, kfb

Row 2: p 1 row
Rep these 2 rows 6 times total (14 st)
Row 3: k2 tog, k5 and turn, leaving remaining 7 st on the needle
Row 4: p2tog, p2, p2tog
BO 4 st, leave a long string (about 10") for attaching to other side of heart
Reattatch to work the 7 sts left on needle

Row 5: k5, k2tog

Row 6: p2tog, p2, p2tog

BO 4 st

When you're done you should have two identical hearts.  I iron the hearts before sewing, that way they are flat to work with.  When you're ready put the two pieces together with the knit sides facing each other.  This way the stitching will be on the inside and won't be noticeable.  Sew together both sides of the hearts, but leave the top open for stuffing.  

Flip the heart inside out, so that the knit sides are now facing out.  Stuff the heart. You should still have some loose thread left over to sew the top together.  Sew it closed and weave in any loose ends.

Now you're done!  Have fun making it with different colours.  A quick knit for any last minute gift.  

See previous blog post Handfull of Hearts for more information.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Accessories: Needle Organizer

Every girl needs her accessories, and a knitter is no exception.  I received a gift card this Christmas for the speciality knitting shop in town.  I was thinking of getting some real nice multi-coloured yarns or something like that. That was until the needles cases caught my attention.  

It was pretty perfect actually.  There is a zipper to hold some smaller accessories, pockets for circular needles, pockets for double-pointed needles.  It's even deep enough to hold my longest bamboo needles.  Much much better then the box I used to store them in.  (What a nightmare of a mess!)

As the woman behind the counter said to me "This is one of those accessories knitters have to treat themselves to."  What a treat it is!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Grand Opening

It's been almost a year since I started up this blog.  And  I have to say it's come a long way.  Since I started my goal has always been to open  up an etsy store and sell my knits.  I am very happy to announce that I have achieved this goal!

Earlier this week I opened up my store NotGrandmasKnits.  On there you'll be able to see a lot of items that I've featured in my blog.  As I'm just starting up, I appreciated any feedback on the store or suggestions for items you'd like to see.  

i've also started up a facebook group.  So if you're a fan of my work go on there and like my page.  Then you'll get all kinds of awsome notifications when there's a new post or any updates.  

All the cool people are doing it.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


You know what`s badass?  Skulls.  I honestly think so.  You want some examples?  Pirates, bikers, ghost rider, really cool little girls.

It is by special request from my local biker that I make the Skullkerchief.  For those cold spring days just after taking the bike out of storage.  This is designed to keep the face toasty, warm and safe from the wind.  

Also it makes you look pretty wicked.

This was another project using multiple colours.  I think I have made vast improvements from some of my previous multi-coloured projects.  They often bunch up and I get my yarn all tangled.  This time I did my research and looked into what it takes to do some proper multi-coloured knits.

I used the Intarsia technique.  This is where you wrap the yarns around each other so there are no gaps when changing colours.  As you can see, in the back it criss crosses the colours.  Its much better work back and forth rather then in the round.


For more on Intarsia see: